I swear I had already pulled out my XKCD t-shirt to wear yesterday, just minutes before I saw this comic.
Category: Humor
Typographic soap
For those who want to clean up all the dirty words in the world, try this typographic soap!
I can’t wait to actually buy it.
Thanks to Kathleen Tinkel at the Desktop Publishing Forums and Typo-L for the tip.
Battlestar Helvetica
Check out this short (33-second) clip from YouTube.
My colleague Si Daniels at Microsoft actually had a Battlestar Helvetica t-shirt made a year and a half ago, about 40 copies or something like that. But I think the video is brand new.
Yes, those promised survey results are in the works. I’m 95% done, but I have jaw surgery tomorrow, so it may be several more days.
ADDENDUM: My assumption is that the video maker might have seen or heard of Si’s shirts, but that they the video was probably not done by Si or his immediate colleagues. The MS folks did a nicer job on the logo than the one seen at the end of the video.