Wanna read about fonts, typography and text? A mix of geeky troubleshooting, info for font developers and thoughts for regular end users who happen to be curious about typography… this is your place.
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Or will be as soon as it’s ready. As of today, January 20th, 2008 (Obama’s inauguration day for Americans), I haven’t much publicized this blog because I’m still getting it into shape. Current ETA is uncertain, but probably just a couple of days before it’s in decent shape, maybe a week before I have a second “real” blog post up. [Update: I launched the blog officially on January 26th – T]
I was experimenting with having a blog hosted by wordpress.com, but I didn’t like a couple of things:
- I could make thomasphinney.com redirect to that site, but I couldn’t have it just show up as if it were at thomasphinney.com.
- They would only let me upload files of certain formats, which did not include some things I wanted to post. I could use a file-sharing service, but that seemed pretty lame.
So, I was thankful I never publicized that location much, and today I started setting up a WordPress blog on my own domain and my own hosted server. My hosting service has already turned off the redirect, though, so I realized I needed to put some sort of explanation up.
You can still read the little bit of content that I have up here, but expect some structural elements of the site to be not correctly linked or organized. Or you can read the interim blog on WordPress.com (not to mention the blog I used to write on Adobe.com). Once this blog is properly running, I’ll shut down most of tphinney.wordpress.com and leave in a few redirects to this blog, just in case.
Yes, I weirdly have an older post than this one: I wanted to have a couple of posts up before letting people know about the blog, and my first post from the other blog I migrated here, and kept the original date.
I am experimenting with accepting ads from Google. So far I am not impressed by their choices made from analyzing my site. But I’ll give it a good chance before I get rid of it.
See you back again soon!