It’s still a sideline from my day job running FontLab, but I have been doing enough font detective work (identifying fonts in backdated documents, analyzing point size, and other font consulting) that I realized I really ought to formalize this whole line of work a bit more. So: a dedicated web site! Plus, I am attending my first conference of forensic document examiners in a week and a half. I did my first case way back in 1999, but this work has been ramping up a lot in recent years and months
Regarding the new site, the formatting and graphics of the secondary pages is still a work in progress, it is in pretty good shape now. I did much of it myself, and hired a talented web designer to get it over the finish line. My initial logo was a bit off for the colors, and my web designer Josh Korwin cleverly suggested simplifying it to be just black-and-white, and now it pops! So I am happy with it.

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